domingo, março 30

DB ragnarok


Abysmal Knight, Acidus (Holy), Acidus (Water), Alarm, Alice, Alicel, Aliot, Aliza, Alligator, Am Mut, Ambernite, Amon Ra, Anacondaq, Ancient Mimic, Ancient Mummy, Ancient Worm, Andre, Angeling, Anolian, Anopheles, Ant Egg, Antonio, Apocalypse, Arc Angeling, Archdam, Archer Guardian, Archer Skeleton, Arclouze, Argiope, Argos, Armeyer Dinze, Assassin Cross Eremes, Assaulter, Aster


Baby Desert Wolf, Baby Leopard, Baphomet, Baphomet (Event), Baphomet Jr., Baroness of Retribution, Bathory, Beetle King, Beholder, Bigfoot, Black Mushroom, Blazer, Bloody Butterfly, Bloody Knight, Bloody Murderer, Blue Plant, Boa, Boiled Rice, Bongun, Breeze, Brilight


Caramel, Carat, Cat o' Nine Tails, Caterpillar, Cecil Damon, Chepet, Chimera, Choco, Chonchon, Christmas Cookie, Christmas Goblin, Christmas Jakk, Christmas Orc, Clock, Clock Tower Manager, Coco, Condor, Constant, Cookie, Cornutus, Crab, Cramp, Creamy, Creamy Fear, Cruiser


Dame of Sentinel, Dark Frame, Dark Illusion, Dark Lord, Dark Priest, Death Word, Deleter (Earth), Deleter (Sky), Demon Pungus, Deniro, Desert Wolf, Despero of Thanatos, Detardeurus, Deviace, Deviling, Deviruchi, Diabolic, Dimik (Earth), Dimik (Fire), Dimik (Water), Dimik (Wind), Disguise, Dokebi, Dolor of Thanatos, Doppelganger, Dracula, Dragon Egg, Dragon Fly, Dragon Tail, Drainliar, Drake, Driller, Drops, Dryad, Dullahan, Dumpling Child, Dustiness


Earth Crystal, Eclipse, Eddga, Eggyra, Egnigem Cenia, Egnigem Cenia (MVP), Elder, Elder Willow, Emperium, Enchanted Peach Tree, Eremes Guile, Errende Ebecee, Evil Druid, Evil Nymph, Evil Snake Lord, Executioner, Explosion


Fabre, False Angel, Familiar, Ferus (Earth), Ferus (Fire), Filamentous, Fire Crystal, Firelock Soldier, Flora, Freezer, Frilldora, Frus


Gajomart, Galapago, Gargoyle, Garm, Garm Baby, Gemini-S58, Geographer, Ghostring, Ghoul, Giant Hornet, Giant Spider, Giant Whisper, Gibbet, Giearth, Gig, Goat, Goblin (Axe/Poison), Goblin (Dagger/Wind), Goblin (Flail/Fire), Goblin (Mace/Earth), Goblin (Morning Star/Water), Goblin Archer, Goblin Leader, Goblin Steamrider, Golden Thief Bug, Golem, Grand Peco, Greatest General, Green Maiden, Green Plant, Gremlin, Grizzly, Grove, Gryphon, Gullinbursti


Harpy, Heater, Heirozoist, Hermit Plant, High Orc, High Priest Margaretha, High Wizard Kathryne, Hill Wind, Hill Wind, Hode, Holden, Horn, Hornet, Horong, Howard Alt-Eisen, Hunter Fly, Hydra, Hydrolancer


Incubus, Injustice, Iron Fist, Isis


Jakk, Jing Guai, Joker


Kaho, Kapha, Karakasa, Kathryne Keyron, Kavach Icarus, Khalitzburg, Kiel, Kiel D-01, Killer Mantis, Knight Guardian, Kobold (Axe/Wind), Kobold (Mace/Poison), Kobold (Morning Star/Fire), Kobold Archer, Kobold Leader, Kraben, Kukre


Lady Solace, Lady Tanee, Laurell Weinder, Lava Golem, Leaf Cat, Leib Olmai, Loli Ruri, Lord Knight Seyren, Lord of the Dead, Lude, Lunatic


Maero of Thanatos, Magnolia, Majoruros, Mandragora, Mantis, Mao Guai, Marc, Marduk, Margaretha Sorin, Marin, Marina, Marine Sphere, Marionette, Marse, Martin, Mastering, Matyr, Maya, Maya Purple, Medusa, Megalith, Megalodon, Merman, Metaling, Metaller, Mi Gao, Mime Monkey, Mimic, Mineral, Mini Demon, Minorous, Mistress, Mistress of Shelter, Miyabi Doll, Mobster, Monemus, Moonlight Flower, Muka, Mummy, Munak, Mutant Dragonoid, Myst, Myst Case, Mysteltainn


Nereid, Nightmare, Nightmare Terror, Nine Tail, Novus, Novus, Noxious


Obeaune, Obsidian, Odium of Thanatos, Ogretooth, Old Stove, Orc Archer, Orc Baby, Orc Hero, Orc Lady, Orc Lord, Orc Skeleton, Orc Warrior, Orc Zombie, Osiris, Owl Baron, Owl Duke


Panzer Goblin, Parasite, Pasana, Peco Peco, Peco Peco Egg, Penomena, Permeter, Pest, Petit (Earth), Petit (Wind), Pharaoh, Phen, Phendark, Photon Cannon (Lv 64), Photon Cannon (Lv 65), Photon Cannon (Lv 66), Photon Cannon (Lv 67), Phreeoni, Picky, Picky (Shell), Piere, Pirate Skeleton, Pitman, Plankton, Plasma (Earth), Plasma (Fire), Plasma (Ghost), Plasma (Shadow), Plasma (Water), Poison Spore, Poison Toad, Poporing, Porcellio, Poring, Punk, Pupa




Rafflesia, Raggler, Raptice, Raydric, Raydric Archer, Red Mushroom, Red Plant, Remover, Requiem, Rideword, Rocker, Roda Frog, Rotar Zairo, RSX-0806, Rybio


Sage Worm, Samurai Specter, Sandman, Santa Poring, Sasquatch, Savage, Savage Babe, Scorpion, Scorpion King, Sea Otter, Seahorse, Seal, Seyren Windsor, Shellfish, Shining Plant, Shinobi, Side Winder, Skeggiold (Black/Lv 81), Skeggiold (Cobaltblue/Lv 83), Skeleton, Skeleton General, Skeleton Prisoner, Skeleton Worker, Skogul, Sleeper, Smokie, Smoking Orc, Sniper Cecil, Sohee, Soldier Andre, Soldier Deniro, Soldier Guardian, Soldier Piere, Soldier Skeleton, Solider, Spore, Spring Rabbit, Stainer, Stalactic Golem, Steel Chonchon, Stem Worm, Sting, Stone Shooter, Stormy Knight, Strouf, Succubus, Swordfish


Tamruan, Tao Gunka, Taoist Hermit, Tarou, Teddy Bear, Tengu, Thanatos Phantom, Thara Frog, The Paper, Thief Bug, Thief Bug Egg, Thief Bug Female, Thief Bug Male, Thief Mushroom, Toad, Tri Joint, Turtle General




Vadon, Vagabond Wolf, Valkyrie Randgris, Venatu (Earth), Venatu (Fire), Venatu (Normal), Venatu (Water), Venatu (Wind), Venomous, Verit, Vesper, Violy, Vitata, Vocal


Wanderer, Water Crystal, Werewolf, Whisper, Whisper (Immobile), White Lady, White Plant, Whitesmith Howard, Wickebine Tres, Wild Rose, Willow, Wind Crystal, Wind Ghost, Wolf, Wooden Golem, Wootan Fighter, Wootan Shooter, Wormtail, Wraith, Wraith Dead


Yao Jun, Yellow Plant, Yoyo


Zealotus, Zenorc, Zerom, Zhu Po Long, Zipper Bear, Zombie, Zombie Master, Zombie Prisoner

BigDica Baner